Thursday, January 30, 2014

And Then it Snowed

It snowed in the south this week.

This is not Atlanta, fyi

The amount of snow that fell caused all my jaded northern family and friends to scoff and smirk and pat us on our collective southern heads. It also caused life for many, many of my southern family and friends to grind to a complete halt. My sister was lucky that it only took her five hours to get home from work Tuesday. Many other Atliens were stranded overnight on cold, icy highways or had to clamor for hotel rooms while abandoning their cars on stretches of frozen interstate.

Atlanta rallied though. The people came out and helped one another and made lots of folks believe in the goodness and kindness of strangers. It's heartwarming and it reminds us that not everyone is a dick. I like to be reminded that not everyone is a dick because all too often it seems that people go out of their way to prove the opposite.

So, way to go ATL. Way to not be dicks!! *hi5*

In preparation for the big snow of aught-fourteen, I think I may have stumbled on a new tradition. I roasted a turkey. I didn't go buy all the bread (incidentally I was legitimately out of bread yesterday and went to buy some. I got the LAST LOAF. There was ONE loaf of bread in the ENTIRE grocery store) or stockpile bottled water or milk. I roasted it a turkey and it was DELICIOUS. What could be more cozy on a snowy day than a hot turkey sandwich (besides hot chocolate, which we also had)?

Also, the littlest dude got to experience snow for the first time. He was unimpressed until his daddy created a hobo* sled from a broiler pan and some old rope. Then shit got real.

All in all, my family and friends were incredibly lucky and made it through the big snow in one piece and in a relatively timely manner. And to my northerners, you can now take back winter, you win, yes, yours is worse. We just had to get in on the action a little before our 65 degree weekend.

* i've annexed the word "hobo" and use it to describe things many people call "upcycled" or "repurposed" or something else equally trendy or douchey. You will see "hobo" in reference to my son's play yard (the hobo playground), his leggings made from his daddy's socks (hobo babylegs), his mason jar cup (hobo straw cup), and various other creations. I'm considering a trademark so if you're thinking of douchifying my word, back off ;)

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