Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Times They Are A'Changin...

Things are changing for us. Again. Another chapter in our saga, another leg in our journey, another twist in our road; but hopefully this one will be the end of this particular volume in our life story. We are (fingers crossed) going to be settling down (knock wood) in our forever home (says a silent prayer) very soon. Long story short, we've moved 8 times since 2009. My son, the littlest dude, who is not yet two years old, has lived in 4 houses in his little life. We have been transients and gypsies (without the thieving or ostentatious dresses). We've packed and unpacked our boxes and our lives too many times and my soul  is weary and searching for roots.

Our town and our lives here feel good. It feels long term. It feels like it could be full and rich and warm. The home we are hoping for feels right. I can see us there. We fit. I dream of my son climbing trees there and digging holes and splashing in the creek. I dream of me, planting my garden and hanging my laundry on the line, making things and building a home. I dream of my husband building and creating and planting and growing.

I DO see a future here, although nothing is set in stone. We have been given very few assurances that it will work out and all signs are pointing to it falling apart. But we are hopeful. And if it doesn't work, if it does fall apart, well...things fall apart. And when they do, well, it sucks. But, and this has been a hard learned lesson for me, you pick up the pieces and build something out of them. Something. And usually it's something pretty cool. You (and forgive me for using this word) repurpose the pieces of your dream and make something else. You upcycle your life (ahhh!! buzzwords!!)

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