Thursday, January 23, 2014


You just gotta keep livin' man, L-I-V-I-N.
One of my favorite quotes and one that resonates with me every single day. You'll be my bff if you know where it's from.

Things are plodding along here while we (im)patiently wait on news on our house. It seems every week we must hurryhurryhurryhurry only to w a i t w a i t w a i t for the next round of hurryhurryhurryhurry. In the lulls, when I'm not looking for long lost documents and the Arc of the Covenant for the mortgage company, I've been thinking a lot about the littlest dude's education.

He's very young, not yet two, and I'm not interested in starting anything academic for quite some time. However, I am researching ways to integrate education and learning into his everyday life through play and adventure and, you know, l-i-v-i-n. I've found the Waldorf theory resonates most strongly with me and the ideals and dreams I have for our home and our life, not just with our homeschool life. But, (and there is always a but), I'm so incredibly disorganized and undisciplined in my own life that first I have to fix me and adopt a rhythm to my own day before I can even imagine integrating those principals into the little dude's life.

It's very important to me that he have a wonderful, vibrant, exciting childhood and not be pulled from activity to activity. While for some, that is the way to go, it just isn't for us. I like home. I want to be home. I want our home to be a place we all enjoy being and want to be and I want our lives to be home-centric. I want him to have the opportunity run and climb and build and create and explore in an environment in which he feels safe and comfortable. Waldorf is a very home-centric methodology and is very close to what I believe natural learning should be.

I'll be writing a series of posts for the Columbia SC Mom's Blog over the next few months outlining several different homeschool and educational theories and I'm sure that will bleed over into this blog. If you have questions about a particular method or use a method you are in love with, let me know so we can talk about it!

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